December 1


Good Morning Snore Solution vs. Snorerx Anti-Snoring Mouth-Pieces

Good Morning Snore Solution and the Snorerx oral devices share one purpose: to help alleviate snoring amongst individuals who suffer from the condition. However, there are quite several distinct differences that exist between both products.

In this post, we shall analyze what is different between the two products to determine how they compare and what option remains superior. 

The Main Product Features

This review followed a deep dive into various metrics and features available with both devices. It explored how each device performed with each feature before ranking which device topped each category. By doing so, the review is in a better place to give an overall score on each device and, thus, determine which of the two devices, The Good Morning Snore Solution and The Snorerx alternative was better at its job.

The features evaluated for both devices were:

  • The Design
  • Breathing Ability (With the mouth closed vs. when open)
  • Fitting Process and Customization
  • Effectiveness
  • Compatibility with dentures
  • Comfort and Ease of use
  • Device Availability and Customer Support
  • FDA Certification
  • Returns and Guarantees
  • Price

If you have particularly struggled with sleep apnea, then you are just in time. By reading the entire scoop below, you will make the purchasing decision that’s perfect for you. It could also make the perfect gift to your better half if they have struggled with a snoring condition. So stick around to the end too, and know which product to get to bring back some peace to your bedroom.

Product Overviews

Having snored my way past the last decade myself, I hold the unique advantage of having tried both anti-snoring devices in the past after being implored by my family to spare their ears further agony. While love ensured I heeded their pleas without much fuss, getting the right snoring solution followed a tedious and prolonged process that I could like to help, you avoid.

So, let’s get to it then . . .

The GMSS is the work of a dentist by the name Dr. Leslie Dort. The device works as a Tongue Retaining Device (TRD), effectively keeping your tongue from dropping back and blocking the various airways associated with snoring. On the opposite end, the Snorerx device is the work of a Canadian doctor, Jim Fallon, with the assistance of various engineers and specialists. The anti-snoring device works as a Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD). Accordingly, it stops snoring by altering an individual’s jaw’s positioning to provide greater airflow and reduced air blockage. 

Feature-By-Feature Comparison

Here is how the two devices compare when pitted head to head.

1. The Design

The very first point of divergence with the two devices above is the design for each. The SnoreRX prevents snoring by preventing the mouth’s airway muscles from relaxing too much and causing air blockages. To do this, the device needs to ensure that the lower jaw remains in place, pushed just a fraction forward. In the said position, the jaw’s muscles remain tightened, and so does the surrounding tissue. A continuously open airway is thus all but certain, and snoring subsides.

Conversely, the GMSS goes in between a patient’s lips and their lips. It resembles a baby’s pacifier, complete with a bulb for grabbing onto the tongue and holding it in place just outside the mouth. This action of pushing the tongue forward and ensuring it remains in place works to prevent snoring in two major ways:

  1. To ensure the tongue does not fall back and block the various airways, thereby inducing or worsening one’s snoring condition.
  2. Tightening the muscles all-around the various airways, and preventing them from collapse, much like a MAD device functions.

Verdict: Draw

The differences in the design with both devices, while quite significant, cannot justify choosing either device. Consequently, both devices score equal points with regards to the design.

2. Breathing Ability (With the mouth closed vs. when open)

Another significant consideration when looking to buy anti-snoring devices is the breathing ability provided. By design, the SnoreRX device fits into one’s mouth and comes with a sizeable air-hole at the front to enable breathing through the mouth. On its part, the GMSS does not provide for breathing through the mouth by nature of its design. By design, the device keeps the tongue is firmly in place through suction that’s only possible when the mouth remains tightly shut.

Given the above pre-sets, it is clear that mouth breathers would find the GMSS wholly ineffective but sing multiple praises on the SnoreRX device.

Verdict: SnoreRX

Because it promises as much effectiveness to patients that breathe through the mouth as it does those that breathe through the nose.

3. Fitting Process and Customization

The SnoreRX has a boil and bite fitting process that’s common with all other MAD devices. However, once fitted, the device cannot be remolded to attain a different custom fit without compromising its effectiveness. Like most MAD’s, a SnoreRX is designed to adopt your teeth’ custom mold, then assume this custom-fit moving forward. In the case of the GMSS, no custom-fit or future adjustments are needed. The Tongue Stabilizing Device will work without any qualms, with no complications, and multi-step procedures needed.

Verdict: The GMSS

Given that no defined fitting procedures exist to enable the use of the product.

5. Effectiveness

This is another top consideration that each user should consider lest they waste their money on a product that proves useless. However, the good news for both anti-snoring devices is greatly effective with patients suffering from sleep apnea. Both devices will work tackle snoring throughout the night and instances of mild apnea.

Verdict: Draw

Accordingly, both devices score equal points on this metric, for they will both help treat mild apnea and snoring when used correctly.

6. Compatibility with Dentures

People who have tried using anti-snoring devices with dentures know that it is nearly impossible to find the appropriate device to suit your needs. Similar to all other MAD’s, the SnoreRX cannot be used with dentures, for it relies on a set of teeth firmly in place to ensure the lower jaw remains ‘pushed forward.’

With the SnoreRX taking zero points in this category, GMSS all but swoops in to save the day. Denture users are certain to welcome the news that the GMSS anti-snoring device can be used just as effectively with dentures on and with dentures removed. A key reason behind this stems from the fact that keeping the tongue firmly in place does not require any input from one’s teeth.

Verdict: The GMSS

7. Comfort and Ease of Use

An uncomfortable device could be counter-productive even if it were effective in helping you to treat snoring. Accordingly, there would be no need to prevent snoring noises while asleep, only to be woken up by discomfort or even pain attributed to wearing a snoring device.

Luckily, both devices are quite comfortable to use. There is every likelihood that the initial days of using either device will cause some discomfort and maybe drooling, but this should disappear just as quickly with everyday use.

For the most part, the GMSS can be more comfortable as it uses a rather simplified action to achieve the desired results. On its part, the SnoreRX is a bit more evasive.

Verdict: The GMSS

Simply because it is less evasive to suction a tongue forward using a device similar to a pacifier than to push the entire lower jaw forward. However, it goes without saying that individuals who breathe through the mouth would find the GMSS entirely uncomfortable and much prefer the SnoreRX.

8. Device Availability and Price

Both anti-snoring devices are available from their respective official sites, with little knowledge available on whether any third-party retailers stocks them. The price for each option is also eerily similar. While the GMSS retails for some $99.94, one can get the SnoreRX for $99.00. However, the latter also comes with some added costs on the final price, namely $10.00 for shipping and a $2.28 Excise Tax. These two expenses act to drive up the price to a round figure of $112.00. Both devices are also FDA approved, further confirming their effectiveness and safety, which might come into question with the $12.00 price difference.

Verdict: The GMSS

The device has a more affordable price as it retails under $100 with all extra-charges included.


Overall, the GMSS would seem the outright winner, as it carries the day with most of the categories reviewed above. Accordingly, the conclusion expected would be to recommend the device period. However, this cannot be allowed to be a one-size-fits-all solution, and each individual should be advised to query the different features again. If you find one feature to be a deal-breaker, say you are prone to breathe through your mouth, then recommending the GMSS would be counter-productive. Only you know what device is likely to suit your needs best, so go on and purchase the device that is right for you.


Anti-Snoring Mouth-Pieces, Good Morning Snore Solution, SnoreRX

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