Medical Disclaimer

All the information provided in our site is general and is not meant to give medical advice. It’s not meant to be a substitute for medical treatment, diagnosis or consultation of qualified healthcare personnel. Consultation and advice from a healthcare provider should always be sought if you have any questions related to your medical treatment or condition.

There are tools recommended by us which are meant to collect data which helps in identifying symptoms of sleep apnea. Our site, employees, subsidiaries, agents, joint ventures, business partners and affiliate companies are not liable or responsible for the inactions, actions or decisions made by the tools’ healthcare personnel. 

The information found on our site or any information given by our representative agents in the form of a letter, telephone, email, facsimile or any other form of communication is not meant to give legal or medical advice. Also, the information should not be used to prescribe medical advice, give remedies or treat or diagnose any health problems.

Content on our site may be given in summary, conclusion or shorthand and should not be used in place of medical advice given by a physician or any healthcare provider. The information in our website should not be used in place of any manufacturer’s advice. We compile information from different sources and some of the information contained here might not be complete. Anyone accessing information through our website should know that information here “AS IS” and no warranties are implied or expressed.

Always ensure you consult a healthcare provider and read all the information found in packed products or devices before using them.

In case you have any medical emergency, please reach out to a qualified medical personnel.

Last updated: [29/07/24]