EPAP Devices; All You Need To Know

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When expanded, EPAP stands for Expiratory Positive Airways Pressure, and it represents one of the most common treatments for obstructive sleep apnea. The inventor of EPAP technology was both a doctor and an engineer; he wanted to find a solution for his wife’s snoring issue. EPAP is now in the market and is an aid for people that suffer from both snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.

By now, it is common knowledge that snoring occurs when the tissues behind the mouth or the tongue collapses and blocks the airways to cause a very irritating sound. Sleep apnea, on the other hand, is more severe and life-threatening. Obstructive sleep apnea causes one to stop breathing for short periods, which could be frequent throughout the night. Such continuous obstructions can cause heart diseases and raise blood pressure. With the help of products like EPAP, sufferers do not have to worry about long-term health complications.


Blocked airways are one of the causes of snoring and sleep apnea. When soft tissues in the mouth collapse, airflow is either obstructed or blocked; When minor obstruction turns to blockage, the sufferer will wake up gasping for air and even choking. This uncomfortable sensation is what individuals with sleep apnea experience regularly.

EPAP is a device prescribed by a doctor as a form of therapy for sleepers that suffer from snoring and sleep apnea. The device works by creating and containing pressure when the user exhales and keeping the airways open until the next airways. The device’s effectiveness depends on the airways staying open until the sleeper wakes. The EPAP machine has a feature that seals and expands the nostrils for the sleeper to breathe normally. The device is sometimes reusable and does not need electricity to perform its functions.


EPAP, a small and portable device inserted into sleepers’ nostrils to manage snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. The inventor intended to create a product that depended on backpressure to keep the airways open all night, and it was a success.

EPAP has a patch that holds two small plugs over each nostril with mild adhesive glue. Each nasal plug has a tiny hole that creates enough back pressure to keep the airways open all night. EPAP is a simple and effective device that has become a safe treatment option for patients that do not tolerate bulky or intrusive devices. Apart from individuals with sleep apnea, those with nasal congestion can also benefit from the device.

Pros and cons

EPAP is simple, has a non-intrusive technology that still surprises its users because it gets the job done. Users, not willing to use mouthpieces or other intrusive devices, are well suited for EPAP. The device is portable and does not need to use electricity for it to function. The fact the device can fit in one’s hand is one reason why many have preferred the device. The user can manage sleep apnea and still maintain discretion. The product has also proven to be more affordable than the other alternatives in the market.

When Mr. Doshi invented EPAP, many people doubted the ability of the device. Different companies have developed the device’s technology further, but the study of its make and functionality is still inconclusive. EPAP might be in the market, but not fully approved and such information might turn a snorer away. The technology does not work for people who have nasal difficulties or back sleepers who breathe through their mouths.


1. Provent Sleep Apnea Therapy Treatment

Provent EPAP therapy solution is a device that uses the EPAP technology to treat obstructive sleep apnea. Only place over the nostrils before the user sleeps. Provent EPAP solution looks like two small band-aids that have a hole at the center. The hole in the product is under a mesh-like fabric whose function is to filter air. The holes help create enough pressure to keep the airways open all through the night

A doctor prescribed a Provent after tests have proven that an individual suffers from sleep apnea. If not tested for sleep apnea, you cannot purchase Provent without a prescription, but instead use a mouthpiece. A doctor will prescribe a pack of eighty disposable pieces of the product.

2. Bongo RX

AirAvant medical introduced Bongo Rx a FDA approved device as a therapy solution for individuals suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. AirAvant claims that the product is the next leap for sleep therapy.

Bongo RX is comfortable and easy to use for sleepers that suffer from mild to moderate sleep apnea. Like other EPAP therapies, this product does not need the power to function, and it is readily available for users that prefer discretion. Bongo RX also ensures that the airways stay open to promote uninterrupted breathing all through the night. Further research has shown that Bongo RX manages sleep apnea so well because it lowers the work of breathing, which leaves the sleeper more relaxed.

Bongo Rx has nasal pillows made of soft waterproof material that seal just the inside of the nasal openings. This new and advanced technology of EPAP is reusable, unlike technology previously put in place. After cleaning the device, store it in a dry place away from heat damage.

3. Theravent

This is a non-prescription FDA approved device using the EPAP technology to alleviate snoring only. The patented microvalves in each strip help regulate airflow to create pressure in the airways and thus keeping them open to stop snoring. When a sleeper inhales, the valves expand to let air in; when the sleeper breathes out, the valves close, returning pressure into the airway. The repetitive pattern keeps airways open and reduces snoring.

Theravent uses an adhesive seal to keep the strip in place. The sleeper can use a mirror to apply the product if it is their first time. When putting on the device, the user should do a small test to ensure that the device is in place before going to sleep. The sleeper should place their index finger on the bridge of their nose then breathe to see if the product is firm. If the air is escaping through the sides, then the device will not perform effectively. 


One needs not to worry about maintaining EPAP technology devices. Despite users and critics calling them none intrusive, I consider the nasal cavity is an invasive place to put any device. It seems unhygienic to reuse a device that could cause bacterial infections if mishandled. Therefore, most of the EPAP devices disposable, a technology that still holds since the invention of the products.

AirAvant medical produces Bongo RX, a product that uses the EPAP technology only advanced to make it reusable. After each use, the sleeper should clean the device with a mild disinfectant that does not irritate the nose. Its silicone device should be kept far away from any heat or sun. Regardless of how often the product is used, it can last up to three months if well maintained.

Customer reviews

Users who travel love the device because it is portable and discrete while in use. Individuals can now sleep on a plane or train comfortably without worrying about how their snores will affect others. The product’s size does not draw attention while the user is on a public plane or train. Users that have found CPAP too bulky or Mandibular Advancement Devices too intrusive and uncomfortable commends EPAP’S simple technology.

Customers who breathe through their mouths cannot use EPAP because it only caters to nasal breathers. Users of disposable EPAP products that experience allergic reactions and sinus reactions have found the device ineffective. Such sleepers can opt for BongoRX, which is effective even when the sleepers’ nose is congested or experiencing allergic reactions.  

Other buyers have had problems breathing while the device is in their nostrils. To some, the adhesive seal can sometimes be faulty. Users of Bongo RX say the silicone plugs inserted inside the sleeper’s nostrils can sometimes be uncomfortable, especially when the user is a first-timer.


Though EPAP technology has been adopted by different manufacturers and further developed, the original EPAP technology remains unproven. Some of those FDA approved products retail either online or over the counter. Use the products only when prescribed by a doctor and undergone the required medical tests.

The inventor of the product hopes that the new creators of EPAP products take time to understand its users’ needs. The inventor says that he developed the EPAP technology because he felt a void in the market and the great demand for such a product. Though there is technology advancement, he hopes the spirit of care and utility withstands changes.

About Mercy M

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