Snoremate Review – All the Pros and Cons of a Pioneering MAD

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It’s quite painful to say this, but nearly all of what’s published about the SnoreMate mouthpiece is plainly basic. This doesn’t only have to do with half-truths, but also how information is fragmented to mystify the product.

You’d think that getting straight answers to honest questions would be easy, but it is disappointingly not the case. Take these questions as examples.

  • Who is SnoreMate for, and who shouldn’t use it?
  • Is the SnoreMate mouthpiece BPA and latex-free?
  • Should I go to the trouble of getting a Mandibular Adjustment Device with no breathing hole or just settle for one that allows all-natural breathing?
  • Are there reasons to validate the lack of an air hole in a Mandibular Adjustment Device(MAD)?

No one should beat around the bush when answering these. Unfortunately, most reviews do that.

This article doesn’t beat around the bush. Our goal is to put The SnoreMate mouthpiece to the test and separate the facts from rumors.

But First things first, if you’re a mouth breather, stop reading this review—because SnoreMate isn’t for you. The device works best works for nose breathers.

And with that caveat out of the question, let’s scrape deeper into the product.

Some of the things we’ll talk about:

  • What is SnoreMate?
  • Is SnoreMate different from other products in the market?
  • How Does the SnoreMate work?
  • How effective is SnoreMate in treating snoring and sleep apnea?
  • Who is this device for?
  • Who is this device not suitable for?
  • How to fit SnoreMate
  • What are the possible complications you might develop using SnoreMate?
  • Pricing of SnoreMare
  • Is SnoreMate Real worth the Price tag?
  • And plenty more

Let’s get started.

What is SnoreMate?                  

SnoreMate is a one-piece Mandibular Adjustment Device(MAD). MADs work by repositioning the lower jaw in a slightly forward position to open the airway.

With an open airway, there is no constriction to airflow. Constriction of the airway is what causes snoring.

This type of Oral Appliance Therapy has been in use for a long. But one thing separates SnoreMate from the rest:

  • Its technology has a track record for over two decades now.
  • Unlike typical MAD, SnoreMate looks more like a sports mouthguard than an antisnore mouthpiece.

However, just like other Mandibular Adjustment Devices, SnoreMate is a boil-and-bite device. It utilizes soft thermoplastic material that is relatively comfortable, and which any user can make the mold at home.

The Device Sizing

SnoreMate is a one-size-fits-all mouthpiece. This presents a fatal flow because every mouth size is different.

In fact, when it’s larger than the mouth, the discomfort one feels might be unbearable. Children should avoid SnoreMate at all costs because any Mandibular Adjustment Device could interfere with mouth development.

* The No-Breathing Holes Question

It goes without question that SnoreMate has no breathing hole. This directly eliminates it from the list of anti-snore options for mouth breathers.

Besides, the device is inappropriate for people with nasal polyps, deviated septum, sinuses problems.

On the flip side, the lack of breathing air holes might be an advantage. The manufacturer says that the feature intends to train the user to breathe through the right passage so that airflow can go through a full cycle.

SnoreMate further insists that the air holes do not influence the efficacy level of a Mandibular Adjustment Device. While that may be true, mouth breathers can find it frustrating.

* The Holding Tab

One of the unique features of SnoreMate is the holding tab that proves useful during the fitting process. The tab allows the user to submerge the device in boiling water during the boil-and-bite process.

When done with the fitting process, the tab becomes useless, and you should get rid of it using a pair of scissors.

However, the manufacturer suggests that you don’t get rid of the tab until 3-5 days of use. This might help you in a refitting process incase you went wrong in the first one or when you need more lower-jaw advancement.

The Material

On the official website, the manufacturer of SnoreMate clearly states that it uses FDA-approved hypoallergenic thermoplastic that’s latex-free and BPA-free. In fact, the device is approved for medical use.

However, an FDA-cleared material doesn’t mean an FDA-approved snoring treatment. And as a whole, the FDA has not cleared SnoreMate as a treatment for snoring or sleep apnea.

Is SnoreMate Any Different from other MADs in the Market?

The unusual candidness of Snoremate in ads is something to behold. Unlike tons of manufacturers that provide misleading return rate figures, the manufacturer of SnoreMate uses real statistics to tell you how likely the product will work for you.

This is important for any potential buyer. Honesty allows prospective users to make informed decisions when buying the device.

Another thing that makes the device stand out is a track record in eliminating snoring. Since 1999, the invention has been eliminating snoring problems for many.  As a pioneering MAD, snoremate has serviced the anti-snore world for over two decades.

The manufacturer does not force the SnoreMate down your throat. Instead, it gives you multiple alternatives to help you decide the best option for a specific snoring situation.

That said, let’s look at the working mechanism of SnoreMate.

How SnoreMate Works

To start, here are typical types of snoring:

  1. Nose-based snoring—occurs as a result of blocked nostrils
  2. Mouth-based snoring—occurs when a person breathes through the nose instead of the nose
  3. Tongue-based snoring—occurs when the tongue over-relax and block airflow into the lungs
  4. And throat-based snoring—it is the loudest and occurs when the muscle and soft tissues of the throat over-relax

Of the four, SnoreMate can handle the last three. To understand the mechanism that the mouthpiece uses, you might want to know how snoring occurs.

How Does Snoring Occur?

When we sleep, we enter the perfect place of unconsciousness. Our body relaxes, and all muscle groups enter into a resting mode. That includes the jaw, tongue, and the soft throat tissues.

Relaxed muscles around the throat can block the airway, making it difficult for air to reach the lungs. The result? Air forces its way through the airway and causes vibration. The vibration is what results in snoring.

With a slight, lower jaw advancement, it is possible to prevent throat muscles from tightening and blocking the airway.

That is the basic working of the Snoremate.

How will SnoreMate treat snoring?

SnoreMate targets the three root-causes of snoring:

  • Prevents soft throat tissues from vibrating
  • It tightens the back of the tongue so that it does not fall back into the airway
  • It prevents you from breathing through the mouth.

SnoreMate is built to hold the jaw slightly forward. This tightens the relaxed tongue and throat tissues, creating an open, unrestricted airway for seamless breathing.

And that’s it. That’s how SnoreMate works for snoring.

But like any other product, it won’t work for everyone. It won’t solve every snoring case in the world.

Who is SnoreMate for?                                                    

  • Nose breathers
  • A person with mild to moderate sleep apnea
  • Person with a limited budget but looking for a working snoring solution

Who is SnoreMate not Recommended for?

  • Mouth breather
  • Persons with a deviated septum, nasal polyps, sinuses problem
  • People with jaw, gum, or teeth problem
  • Persons with braces
  • Persons with dentures
  • Children because it might interfere with the mouth development

Now that you know that SnoreMate might work for you, here is how to fit it.

How to Fit SnoreMate

Creating a custom fit with SnoreMate isn’t quite hard. In fact, the device comes with a detailed step-by-step fitting guideline to get you through the entire process.

The extra time of going through the fitting instructions carefully is worth your while, as the maximum times, you can remold the mouthpiece counts down to two.

With that in mind, you’ll need:

  • Two bowl
  • Water
  • And a heating source

Then execute the following process:

  1. Fill-one bowl with ice-cold water and put it aside for later use
  2. Heat water until it boils and transfers it to the second bowl
  3. Holding the tab, insert the SnoreMate mouthpiece in the bowl with hot water for about 12 seconds (avoid overheating as it might compromise the device)
  4. Then remove the device from the boiling water and shake away the excess waters
  5. Next, identify the top of the mouthpiece and place the mouthpiece to the mouth  so that the top of the device faces the upper part of your mouth, and your lower jaw is in a slightly forward position
  6. Then, bite down into the soft material hard enough to create a molding. Advance your lower jaw slightly forward. The far ahead your lower jaw is, the more influential the mouthpiece will be. However, you don’t want the device to extend too far to cause more pain.
  7. Use your lips and the tongue to press the device against your teeth as you suck the air out and Press your lips and cheeks with your fingers to create a snug fit.
  8. Remove the device from the mouth and place it in ice-cold water to harder the mold you’ve formed
  9. Re-insert the device to your mouth to confirm if the mold feels comfortable in the mouth. Do not cut the tab for a few days.

If the mold you’ve created doesn’t fit you, isn’t comfortable, or does not stop your snoring, re-execute the fitting process for a far better fit.

And that’s where the not-cutting-the-holding tab comes in handy. The manufacturer suggests you leave the holding tab intact to remold the appliance if you didn’t get it right for the first time.

The maximum time you can mold this anti-snoring aid is twice. Take some extra time to follow the instructions carefully.

How effective is SnoreMate Mouthpiece?

SnoreMate claims that it has an 85% efficacy rate, which is nearly in line with what clinical studies say about 90% of MAD’s efficacy.

This only means that out of 10 people, SnoreMate will work for 8. Therefore, depending on the root cause of your snoring, SnoremMate may or may not work for you.

The good thing is that if the device doesn’t work for you, the manufacturer offers a 30-day full money-back guarantee. 30 day should be more than enough to find out if the device work or no.

However, the problems start with the manufacturer’s suggestion of replacement after every three to four months. After this period, SnoreMate loses its efficacy as it would have overstretched. The lower jaw, which the device should advance slightly forward, will return to its original position.

If you don’t do the replacement, you’ll find yourself snoring because the material the device utilizes will have stretched, allowing your jaw to move when you’re asleep.

Cleaning and Maintenance of SnoreMate

SnoreMate requires minimal maintenance.

In fact, its maintenance practices are reduced to cleaning requirements. And like any other oral appliance, hygiene comes first.

SnoreMate comes with a spatula that you’ll use during the cleaning of the device. To clean:

  • Hold the mouthpiece using this spatula and use a toothbrush and toothpaste to clean it.
  • Alternatively, you can soak the SnoreMate and add a tablet of a Polident tablet.
  • Similarly, you can use a mouthwash to keep the device clean

What are the Possible Complication of Use SnoreMate

  1. You might experience excessive drooling during the first few days of use. This is common with any other new mouthpiece. However, the phenomenon goes away after consistent use
  2. Consistent use of SnoreMate might cause temporomandibular joint dysfunction
  3. Morning exhaustion because the device discomfort might disturb your night
  4. Airwar dryness, which might not last for over four days

The Manufacturer

SnoreMate first surfaced in the market in 1999. It is an established product that many people have reported great success.

It is a South African-based mouthpiece founded by Mercial Perioli. Since 1999, the mouthpiece has helped thousands to treat the snoring problem.

Many people claim to found SnoreMate useful.

As the product is from a South African company, the mouthpiece itself is not FDA-approved. Still, the material it uses is FDA approval. However, it is typical for foreign products to receive FDA approval, so that foreignness is not an excuse for its lack of FDA approval.

Pricing of SnoreMate

SnoreMate presents two purchase option:

  1. Buy a single piece at $36.99
  2. Or order two pieces at $44.99, which breakdown to $22.50 per unit.

This might be among the least high per-unit cost. However, SnoreMate requires frequent replacement—as short as 3-4 months. In fact, the alternative gets even more frequent if you have (bruxism(grind teeth when asleep). And the replacement cost might add up.

What’s the SnoreMate Guarantee

If you try the product and find out it doesn’t work for you or adjust to the device, you can return the mouthpiece for a full refund.

All the SnoreMate packages come with a 30-day money-back guarantee, starting from the day of the product delivery. Thirty days are enough to know if the appliance will work for you.

What’s the Return Policy?

Suppose the manufacturer ships you a wrong product or a damaged product; they will exchange it for a correct one at no extra cost, including the back shipping fee.

If you aren’t happy with the product, and it doesn’t fit what you were looking for, the company will refund you the money back, excluding the shipping fee.

And for you to be eligible for a refund, you must provide a valid reason. The product must be in its original packaging for a full refund.

And if you choose to return the mouthpiece, you’re responsible for the return postage.


The shipping for the United States orders takes 2-4 days using the USPS with an estimated cost of $7.91.

Shipping to the rest of the world takes 10-14 days using the Global Mail service with tracking at an estimated cost of $14.40. The shipping charges do not change with the type of package you choose.

Pros and Cons


  • The boil-and-bite fitting process allows a custom fit
  • Easy to create a mold that does not require you to go to the dentist
  • The device has stood the time of test and has a proven track record for over two decades now
  • People who grind their teeth can use the product but will require more frequent replacement than other users
  • It is a cost-effective Mandibular Adjustment device
  • The thermoplastic is soft against the gum and inner lips
  • Is simplistic designing makes it easy to clean
  • The device has a 30-days full money-back guarantee
  • Requires no prescription to make an order


  • It has no air holes thus not appropriate for mouth breathers or any other situation that involves mouth breathing
  • Has a short lifespan of 3-4 months
  • One cannot adjust the level of lower jaw repositioning
  • Can cause jaw soreness during the first few days of use
  • Many users complain that the device is bulky, which makes it uncomfortable, causing soreness
  • The appliance is only available in one size supposing to fit everyone, which is virtually impossible
  • Like any other MAD, it is not wearable with plenty of dental works like dentures, braces, and many others
  • It is not FDA-approved

What’s the Lifespan of the Device?

The manufacturer clearly states that you will need to replace the appliance after every 3-4 months. This is because the product loses its efficacy as it will have stretched out.

Is SnoreMate Safe?

The SnoreMate has been in the market for over two decades and is a pioneer of MAD technology.

To date, users have not associated the MAD with any adverse effect.

It uses FDA-cleared thermoplastic, which is BPA-free, latex-free, and has approval for dental use. This makes it safe for a person allergic to latex and person sensitive to BPA.

The only problem is that it lacks breathing holes, making it inappropriate for some people.

Where Can one Buy SnoreMate?

You can order the SnoreMate online from the manufacturer’s official website. You can pay for the orders using Visa, PayPal, Mastercard, and American Express card.

Will SnoreMate Treat Snoring From Night-1 of Use?

When you fit the mouthpiece well, you have an 85% chance of stopping snoring from the very first day of use. And suppose it didn’t work for you after the first night, remold the mouthpiece advancing your jaw farther ahead than before.

The remolding should address the snoring problem.

What’s the Possible Reason SnoreMate Lacks Air Holes?

The manufacturer says they didn’t add an air hole to the device to enhance the correct breathing habit. According to them, the proper habit is to breathe via the nose.

Further, they state that the presence or absence of an air hole in a Mandibular Advancement Device does not affect its efficacy, which is true. However, the lack of an air hole should concern people who do not have clear nasal passages.

But to an extent, this is not logical. And it is a big issue for many people.

But let’s think clearly for a little bit:

If a person snores because the mouth is open and the jaw is loose, it only means that the person breathes through the mouth.

Now, if you place an appliance in the mouth that you cant naturally breathe through, how could that possibly feel?

Why does SnoreMate Falls Out at night?

The mouthpiece may fall out as a result of not adjusting to the device. It takes about two weeks of use to stop falling out. It is also common for the mouthpiece to fall out when you relax.

If the device is reduced or eliminated snoring when you sleep, it is more likely you’ll get used to this mouthpiece, and it won’t fall out at night.

SnoreMate Review: Final Verdict

In this review, we’ve covered a lot of depth. And it would be right to wrap it up with a checklist that will help you conclude whether to buy a SnoreMate mouthpiece.

Here are the seven most important thing to remember:

  1. Unless your budgeting stretches to the extreme, go for the 2-unit package of SnoreMate because this mouthpiece’s lifespan is phenomenally low. (That is if you’re going to settle on SnoreMate at all).
  2. SnoreMate is one of the less pricey MAD in the industry. But sometimes, even the super lower price is not worth paying for. That isn’t the case with SnoreMate. The mouthpiece has dominated the market for over 20 years. And those who have tried it attest to its effectiveness.
  3. When evaluating the ability of a product, looking at brand honesty is essential. Science says that MADs have a 90% efficacy rate in reducing and eliminating snoring and sleep apnea. While other manufacturers of MADs claim a 98% efficacy rate with no data, Snorate is brutally honest and pulls out an 85% customer satisfaction rate based on the number of returns they get. This truly helps the potential buyer to set a realistic expectation of the device.
  4. For the love of your health, avoid SnoreMate if you’re a mouth breather. It doesn’t have any breathing air hole. This will hinder natural mouth-breathing.
  5. The lack of an air hole might also serve as a benefit. According to the manufacture, the lack of airhole trains the user to breathe through the nose. However, they clearly state that if you lack clean nasal breathing, avoid the product at any cost.
  6. Even though the SnoreMate has proved to be adequate to many, its design compromises comfort. It claims to be a one-size-fits-all mouthpiece, but mouth sizes vary. This means people with small mouths can find it unbearably uncomfortable. Plus, it lacks a feature that would allow gradual adjustment for a more perfect fit.
  7. Frequent replacement or remolding isn’t the best anti-snore practice for a MAD. This separates SnoreMate from its competitors.

So is SnoreMate the best less-pricey MAD in the world?

No, but it has a track record of solving snoring for decades.

About Mercy M

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