Nitetronic Pillow is designed for people with snoring issues. Anti-snore aids. They can be disturbing and even creepy. Truth is, when an anti-snore aid invades your body, the typical reaction is to mistrust it.
That is especially true for snore aids that are inserted in the mouth or applied on the skin. Those tend to feel creepy for some people.
If you’re one of them, it turns out that there are suitable working replacements for those snore-aids. Take the Nitetronic Anti-Snore Pillow, for example.
This anti-snore pillow claims to be the first and the only clinically proven smart snore solution that prevents your gears from grinding in a non-invasive way.
But is it really useful, or just another marketing hype?
To find out the truth, let’s take a closer look at the product and what it does.
Whats is Nitronic Goodnite Anti-Snore Pillow
Nitronic Goodnite Anti-Snore Pillow is designed for people with snoring issues.
It comes with sensors and inflatable air chambers built into a soft polyester pillow. Every unit comes with a remote controller.
Let’s dive into its design and the Wireless smartphone app that complements its use.
The Design

The GoodNite pillow employs the design of a typical queen-sized pillow, measuring 24.0 X 14.5 X 3.0 inches. It has a power base attached to it.
However, when you take a closer look beneath the surface, the smart pillow homes a wealth of technology that works in an override to deliver a quality night’s sleep.
Firstly, the Nitetronic GoodNite pillow has electronic sensors at strategic intervals at the pillow’s interior—the manufacturer refers to them as “non-contact position sensors.”
These sensors are evenly stationed and are always ready to go to start tracking and analyzing the user’s sleep movement as soon as they activate.
Secondly, it has six different air chambers that handle the inflation part of the process. You won’t feel them until unless they fill up. The inflation process happens very slowly that you won’t feel jarred.
The inflation gently turns the user head to the side through subtle movement to increase the distance between the user’s throat and tongue. During the turning process, the pillow helps straighten the soft tissues at the back of the mouth and throat, which reduces snoring.
The pillow has polyester fillings, with the fillings higher on the top than the bottom, making it softer to sleep on. The movement caused by inflating the air chambers is gentle and quiet, which results in less sleep disturbance.
Thirdly, the pillow operates with the help of apps.
The Wireless Apps
The application part of the Nitetronic GoodNite pillow is perhaps the smartest.
The Nitelink2 app makes the Nitronic GoodNite Pillows unique because it allows the pillow to connect with your smartphone to enable tracking, recording, analysis, chat, and monitoring of sleeping habits.
It presents a plethora of statistics.
If you’d like to know the nightly statistics for your sleep time—statistics for snore time, and snore intensity—the app can pull up the exact figures down to the second.
If you’d like to look at graphs that compare this week’s sleep to last week’s sleep, the app readily brings them to you.
Besides, you can also adjust the settings of the pillow throughout the app. For instance, if you want to hold its inflated position for a more extended period, you can adjust the sensitivity level of its sensor depending on the room’s noise.
That said, it isn’t a must for a person to use the application together with the pillow. In fact, if you don’t own a smartphone or the idea of tracking sleep habits with a smartphone doesn’t appeal to you, you can completely ignore the app and still use the pillow mighty fine.
You can fit the pillow in a standard pillowcase to make cleaning and maintenance easier.
While the algorithms and technology are complicated, the pillow is easy to use. You plug it in, connect it to the app, and sleep as usual. The pillow contains sensors and air chambers that can inflate and deflate when needed.
The best part contains technology that can record user information and provide instruction on how to use the pillow to the level best.
The Company behind Nitetronic Pillow
For many decades, the world has been producing several anti-snoring aids. But non ever thought a pillow would serve as a snoring aid.
Until 2012 when Nitetronic officially released the first version of the GoodNite pillow that enjoyed instant success in Europe.
The company started small in 2011—in Germany Hamburg—but after great success in Europe, Nitetronic expanded, quickly spreading across Europe, Asia, and later to include distribution centers all over the world.
In 2016, America and Canada got the chance to try the GoodNite product, and they quickly become popular. Today, the American office and distribution center is in Upland, Califonia.
The GoodNite pillow has two releases—the first Goodnite pillow begun selling in 2012, and the second version came in 2016.
The most significant change in the second version appears to be the pillow’s comfort, which users describe as an overly firm pillow to sleep on. What’s more, the second version came with an update on how the pillow interprets data along with the app update.
Today, the pillow works together with a mobile phone app, which stores statistics and tracks the user’s movement when asleep. The app helps users to monitor the effect of nitetronic Goodnite Anti-Snore Pillow. One can trace the improvement in sleep quality and the reduction of snoring and confirm whether the pillow works.
The GoodNite pillow has a clinically proven ability to reduce snoring and improve sleep quality.
How is it Different?
If you’ve been after anti-snoring aid, you know that nearly all the solutions out there require you to wear or apply them on your body.
And that’s where the Nitetronic GoodNite pillow differs significantly—it is entirely non-invasive—it doesn’t require a user to put on or apply anything on the body—only sleeping on the pillow.
And when you compare it with other anti-snoring pillows, GoodNite pillow employs advanced technology to solve snoring-problems.
Unlike other anti-snoring pillows, when it detects the sound of snoring, it slowly inflates to move your head to a position in which snoring is least likely to happen.
This innovative approach makes the pillow one of the most effective anti-snoring pillows in the market.
While it isn’t the only smart pillow that works, it is unique in more than one way.
Firstly, both the snorer and the bed-partner can use it, and each pillow will only work at the sound of the individual using it.
Secondly, it can help one’s snoring regardless of the sleeping position as long as the pillow remains on the pillow.
Is it Clinically-proven? The Clinical trial
What you’d ask any manufacturer when you’re looking antisnoring aid is;
“How about we skip the science, and you just give me a demonstration?”
Nitetronic appears to understand the feeling.
Because the company had already sought to validate their product through testing.
In 2013/2014, Nitetronic executed their first-ever clinical study about the effect on snoring at the university ENT Clinic in Mannheim, Germany, under the supervision of Dr. Joachim T. Mauer.
In this study, there were 157 participants. The result?
There was a 67% reduction in snoring throughout that test group.
With the positive results, in 2014, the company set up another clinical study of its product. This time the doctors were from Nitetronic, but other doctors who represented the University of ENT clinic at the Mannheim sleep lab oversaw the study.
In the second study, all the participants we over 18 years with a BMI under 30. During the study period, the participants slept at the clinic for two consecutive nights.
The first night, the participant slept on a regular pillow. On day two, they switched to the GoodNite option.
For these two days, the doctors took the data electronically using polysomnography and collected the patient’s experiences.
The result indicated a significant decrease in snoring in the participant. In fact, every patient saw an improvement and found their sleep was not affected by the pillow.
And even more, a clinical study at the St. Lucas Andreas Hospital in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, reviles that the Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) was > 5 higher when the head was also in the supine position compared to when the head turned aside.
How does the Nitetronic Pillow work?
At its necessary, the Nitetronic GoodNite pillow works by adjusting the head and neck position to encourage the airflow through the lungs.
However, to fully appreciate the mechanism operation in reducing or stopping snoring, there is a need to understand how snoring occurs.
So, let’s scrape a little deeper.
What Causes Snoring?
Snoring can be a result of several factors that can range from obesity to constricted nasal passages. But for the most time, the cause is a simple and obstructed airway.
When an individual sleeps, the throat muscle might relax so much that they can partly block one’s airways, reducing airflow in one’s body.
As the air struggles to pass through, it vibrates against the throat’s tissues, making noise. The noise is what the world refers to as snoring.
And out there, there are a plethora of products aiming at stoping this chain of events. But here is a question that brings everything into perspective:
How does the GoodNite anti-snoring pillow address the snoring problem?
Let’s find out.
How Goodnite Snoring Pillow Helps
The manufacture of Goodnite claims that it can reduce snoring between 65-85 percent.
But how precisely does it work?
First, the Goodnite isn’t the usual anti-snoring pillow.
While many anti-snore aids aim to elevate the user head and neck to encourage airflow into the lungs, the GoodNite anti-Snore pillow goes a notch higher.
The Nitetronic GoodNite Anti-Snore pillow has sensors. The sensors track your nighttime movement’s sounds and vibration, monitor one’s breathing sounds, and head position on the pillow through the night.
At the same time, the pillow has air chambers built into the pillow.
When the sensors sense that the user begun to snore, they send signals to the inbuilt air chambers to inflate and deflate gently and quietly to around 2-3 inches. In response, your head will slowly adjust to the sides or upwards and fall with them, stimulating the relaxed muscles that cause the snoring.
This change in position and stimulation of the relaxed muscles creating the snoring sounds resets one’s breathing, which gives snoring relief for around 5-30 minutes. If you start snoring again, the process repeats itself.
The pillow’s inflation is an imitation of a spouse nudging a snorer a mid the night sleep to stop snoring.
Meaning, whenever you start to snore, your head will tilt, your airway will reopen, and your snores will cease. It is pretty simple, yet effective.
The pillow movement is so gentle that it does not wake up the user or the bed-partner. But the next thing that nearly everyone worries about is:
What if the pillow detects the background noise and disturbs one sleep?
The answer is simple. The sensors of the GoodNite pillow are pretty smart. They can monitor one’s breathing sounds and snore, filtering them out from other background noises like fans.
Besides, it also monitors where you position your head on the pillow.
And Nitetronic isn’t the pillow alone. It comes with an app that gives you all the powers of even more customization.
With the app, you can adjust the pillow sensitivity to suit you using the smartphone app called Nitelink2. Even more, you can record snoring data, which helps track your improvements.
Setting Up the Nitetronic Pillow
This anti-snoring tech is easy to set, unlike other sophisticated technology that requires complex charging schedules.
To use the Nitetronic pillow:
- Switch out your current pillow with the Nitetronic pillow.
- Then, plug the small extending base of the pillow to the nearest power source.
- Next, place the pillow’s base near the bed, on a bedside table, or the floor.
- Now your Goodnite is ready to use
- Finally, download the two Nitetronic apps to your smartphone to track your results
The Nitetronic App: How to Use the NiteLink2 Apps
Nitronic has developed two apps to work with its antisnore pillow. The first is the Nitelink app. This one records one’s snoring using the mobile phone’s microphone.
The second app is the Nitelink2 app. This monitors your snoring by connecting directly to the sensors in your pillows via Bluetooth. The Bluetooth connection is exceptionally safe and gives very accurate data because close the sensors are to the snorer.
Besides the direct data related to the Anti-Snore pillow, the Interlink 2 app presents a person’s sleep efficiency score, which a person can review later. It includes data on your head position and how you slept.
An individual can even use the app to adjust the pillow’s sensitivity whenever one feels the sensors are not as accurate as they’d like.
According to Nitetronic company, you should use the Interlink 2 app for three days before starting to use the GoodNite pillow so that you can get a baseline snore percentage of how you sleep without the use of the antisnoring aid.
Pricing—How Much Does it Cost?
The GoodNite pillow is a high-end anti-snoring product.
As a result, you’d expect to pay more.
The price of the GoodNite pillow is relatively competitive at $299. This, though, includes the shipping fee.
As a sign of confidence in their product, Niteteonic presents a 30-nights risk trial period for the user to determine if the GoodNite pillow will work for them.
The trial period starts the night you’ll receive your pillow and extends to the next 30 nights where you can test and decide if you will continue using it.
What makes it better is that you can use this product with other anti-snoring devices you desire. However, it is more unlikely you’ll need other anti-snoring devices because, for most people, the GoodNite Anti-Snore pillow is the only technology they need to reduce or eliminate their snoring.
What’s the Warranty And Money Back Options
Nearly all anti-snoring products require a specified period for any user to get accustomed to how they feel. And the GoodNite pillow isn’t an exception.
The pillow comes with a 30-days risk-free trial, which is a great way to give yourself time to see if the pillow will work for you. And to help you reach a quick decision, the pillow synchronizes with the Interlink2 app to track your progress and see the exact data on how your sleep improves and your snoring decreases.
The anti-snore pillow should show you improvement from the first night of usage, and the results should continue for as long as you have the product. Therefore, the thirty days money guarantee period should be more than enough time to get the product’s feel.
Suppose the product doesn’t meet your needs, and you decide to return it—the company will charge you a $50 restocking fee—meaning that the money-back guarantee is not entirely risk-free.
However, with the clinical trial and the already-using customer positive reviews, it is less likely that you’ll have to return the pillow.
If you decide to keep the pillows, the product has a 1-year limited warranty.
Which only means, Nitetronic covers the material and quality of the pillow, but will not cover normal wear and tear or damage resulting from misuse. However, the best part is if you want to use the warranty, Nitetronic will cover even for the shipping.
How Long Will the Pillow Last
The GoodNite pillow has a shelf life of several years. While the sensors might keep chugging along forever, the filling will wear down over time, so you’ll need to replace the product with a fresh model. In this regard, it is a lot like a regular pillow.
Maintenace of The GoodNIte Pillow
The best thing about the GoodNite pillow is the minimum maintenance it requires.
Since it is a standard queen-size pillow, you can fit it with standard queen-sized pillowcases. Replacing and washing the pillow casing is necessary to keep your bed feeling fresh.
On the flip side, however, the apps will work indefinitely. For seamless use, you might require regular updates as they come along.
Sleep Apnea and the GoodNite Pillow—Does it work?
Typically, Obstructive Sleep apnea and snoring are often intertwined.
If you have got Sleep Apnea and uses a CPAP machine, it is essential to note that this product does not intend to replace the CPAP machine.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a potentially severe condition that might have several adverse consequences to a person’s health if not treated.
It is much unlikely that you’ll use the GoodNite pillow as a substitute for the CPAP machine. However, you can use the pillow as well as the CPAP machine to improve the results.
When it comes to sleep apnea, before making any decision, you must consult with the doctor who you’re working with to control your sleep apnea
Nitronic Pillow Pros and Cons
- Ease to purchase. The ordering process is simple. The site accepts multiple payment options, including PayPal,
- free shipping
- A one year warranty on the product
- The money-back trial period, but you will be out of pocket for the restocking fee.
- The app is surprisingly accurate and very straightforward to use
- If you’re already using other anti-snoring aid, GoodNite Pilow is readily compatible
- It is non-invasive; even though the pillow might take a few nights to get used to, it does require you to wear anything in or outside of your body
- Sophisticate anti-snoring aid
- Short adjustment period
- Works in all sleeping position
- Might be too firm to other users that one might not sleep comfortably for the first few nights
- If you decide to return the pillow, you will incur the restocking fee
- It does not have a delay period and instantly stat to inflate when you place your head on the pillow. This might hinder communication between a person and the spouse
- Relatively price
What are the Flaws
Like any other product, the GoodNite pillow has flaws. Though, it might not be a deal-breaker for you.
At its worst, the pillow might wake you up amid the night. That’s because although the inflation process is slow and gradual, it might not work all the same for everyone. Some users complain about waking up in the middle of the night.
Final Verdict
The Goodnite pillow is quite sophisticated. But it has plenty of advantages in comparison to other anti-snoring devices and pillows.
The product promises to reduce snoring on an average of 85% percent every night. It can also minimize the loudness of snoring up to 80%.
What is more, the pillow synchronizes with its apps to get you an accurate and informative overview of your sleep quality.
As opposed to many other snit-snoring aids in the market, the smart pillow is highly effective ad doesn’t compromise comfort. It is non-invasive and highly effective anti-snoring aid. Anyone can use it regardless of the sleeping position.
Although it is difficult to put a price on a good-night sleep, this pillow doesn’t come cheap.
It may not work for everyone, and mainly addresses snoring problems that result from improper sleeping positions and head and neck alignment. Besides, the use of an anti-snoring pillow rarely eliminates snoring completely.
Is it comfortable?
Yes, the pillow utilizes soft polyester material with plenty of interior fillings to keep it nice and plump. You should have no problem having asleep.
However, for the first few nights, the pillow feels firm and uncomfortable, and a person might have a sleep problem. But after sometimes, one gets used to it, and it feels comfortable.
What if one doesn’t sleep the way the pillow is designed for?
If you’re a back or stomach sleeper, you don’t have to worry. The GoodNite pillow works for all sleeping positions. So it doesn’t matter if you sleep on your back, sides, or stomach.
Is it quite?
Yes. The inflation process is almost entirely soundless. And the app won’t make any noise. You don’t need to worry about the beeps or alarms trying to get your attention at 3 AM.
Will the Pillow sense Ambient Noises
This is a problem with other anti-snoring pillows that use microphones to detect huffing. But that’s not a problem with the Goodnite pillow, because it utilizes more sophistication to handle ambient noise.
Its sensors can detect vibrations and noise, meaning it can filter out things like pets, fans, and air conditioners. It will only respond to your snoring and not too ambient sounds around the room.
Can the Niteronic Pillow replace CPAP?
No. It is more unlikely you’ll use the Nitetronic Goodnite pillow as a substitute for CPAP. However, you can use it with the CPAP along.
What’s the lifespan?
The sensor can last as long as ever. However, the filling will wear down with time.